Manage Infection
The presence of wound infection can delay wound healing. If neglected, it may escalate to systemic infection or sepsis, which can be life-threatening. Management and prevention of wound infection may reduce the need for antibiotics and form a valuable part of your Antimicrobial Stewardship strategy. Cutimed Sorbact provides solutions which manage infection to support clinical needs.
Bacteria and fungi binding dressings
Bacteria and fungi binding wound dressings, based on Sorbact® Technology, that prevent and treat wound infections and facilitate the wound healing process. Due to its unique physical mode of action the Sorbact Technology is effective in wound infection management without releasing active agents into the wound. The safe removal of bacteria reduces the bioburden in wounds and development of bacterial resistance is not expected.
Cutimed® Sorbact®

Cutimed® Sorbact Contact®
A sterile, bacteria and fungi binding wound dressing

Cutimed® Sorbact Pad®
A sterile, bacteria and fungi binding absorbent wound dressing.

Cutimed® Sorbact Ribbon®
A sterile, bacteria and fungi binding wound dressing.